

全球意识比以往任何时候都更重要, 我们的使命是帮助易胜博app安卓下载的学生变得有爱心, 道德, 和世界上有知识的公民.
  • an essential component of the school’s mandate for the twenty-first century
  • 一个充满活力的体验式学习项目
  • 地理上和文化上的不同经历
  • 尽可能与课程相结合
  • 对所有学生开放
旅行团成为一个相互依赖的团队, 共同学习,与当地房东分享经验. 这种体验的目的是超越智力, 艺术, 服务, 或者是运动目的:这是它的核心, 它教会学生运用良好的判断力, 重视正义, 并与其他社区分享.

Groton's 全球教育 Opportunities (GEOs) help students understand 文化, 社会经济, 以及世界各地的政治差异. 参观的社区并不是学生体验的背景, 而是我们的合作伙伴.


G-PIE is an opportunity for high school students and educators from around the world to come together and learn from and collaborate with each other. From keynotes to discussions of social issues and 文化 performances, 2023年会议的主题是 文化, , 人工智能与技术.


  • 秘鲁

    易胜博app安卓下载带学生去秘鲁的圣谷, 印加文明的中心地带, 夏天的几个星期. Students stay with families in the town of Ollantaytambo, considered the last living Inca town. 在镇中心是引人注目的太阳庙, 用被认为是首屈一指的石雕建造的, 包括马丘比丘. 每个人的西班牙语都提高了, some students even return with an impressive number of words and phrases in Quechua, 奥扬坦博语仍在使用. The highlight of this trip is spending time with the home-stay families—students grow close to their families and often consider them their second family in a distant part of the world.

    学生们在社区参加下午的活动, 比如教小孩子美术, 音乐, 跳舞, 和体育. GEO期间, 学生们还参观了马丘比丘, 印加首都库斯科, 还可以去远足. 最后,我们将在库斯科度过一天, 印加人的首都, where students observe firsthand 历史 sites that shed light on the confluence of two different civilizations, 征服者和印加人.

    Groton's 全球教育 Opportunity (GEO) to 秘鲁 occurs every other year.


  • 坦桑尼亚

    易胜博app安卓下载 has established a partnership with Orkeeswa Secondary School, 在坦桑尼亚北部的蒙杜利山上. 在为期三周的课程中, Groton students are immersed in Masai 文化 and develop lasting friendships with 坦桑尼亚n high school students. Groton students work and play side by side with members of the Orkeeswa community—students, 老师, 还有家长参与的项目, 类, 游戏, 以及斯瓦希里语浸泡. A home stay in a nearby boma provides students with understanding of life as an Orkweesa student. Groton leaders encourage students to focus on 领导, global issues, personal reflection.

    Groton's 全球教育 Opportunity (GEO) to 坦桑尼亚 occurs every other year.


  • 印度

    在印度, Groton students embark on a journey of discovery through civilizations both ancient and contemporary, 与教育, 文化, 历史, 精神元素. 学生们接触到像佛陀这样伟大的印度人的生活, 皇帝阿育王, 摩诃毗罗, 大师Nanak, 皇帝阿克巴, 圣雄甘地, 和泰戈尔. 旅程从德里开始, 搬到阿格拉去看泰姬陵, 然后继续去瓦拉纳西, 一个伟大的宗教中心, 然后在德拉敦安顿下来大约一个星期, 在那里我们将由杜恩学校和威尔汉姆女子学校主办.

    Participants explore areas that few tourists visit and come to understand some of the structures and subtleties of 印度's multi-faceted life. 我们参观村庄和城市, 乘船游览恒河, 品尝不同的美食, 参观学校和家庭, 在当地市场购物. 我们参观博物馆, 纪念碑, 和圣地, 我们通过雕塑体验印度艺术, 跳舞, 绘画, 和音乐. Students have the opportunity to meet with women and men from all walks of life, 从有权有势的到无依无靠的, 部落到公司, 从工匠到学者. 外在的旅程会影响内在的旅程, 通过教导, 注意实践, 自我反省, 日志记录, 和讨论.

    Groton's 全球教育 Opportunity (GEO) to 印度 occurs every other year, 与GEO交替到中国.


  • 中国

    在中国, 学生们参观中型城市承德, 坐落在北京东北几小时车程的一个美丽的山谷里. 学生留在承德第三中学, 他们去上课的地方, 练习书法和剪纸, 学习蒙古族和满族舞蹈, hang out with their Chinese peers while exploring the neighborhood and enjoying home stays over the weekends.

    在大多数早晨, 学生们参观中英子小学, 在承德郊区一个经济不发达的地区, 在那里他们教英语并帮助做体力劳动. Groton students also visit the Great Wall and spend time exploring Beijing.

    The 易胜博app安卓下载 中国 GEO immerses students in Chinese society; it is ideal for students who wish to improve their Mandarin or learn about one the world’s greatest civilizations.

    Groton's 全球教育 Opportunity (GEO) to 中国 occurs every other year, 与GEO交替前往印度.


  • 法国

    你好,我们在去法国的路上! Groton’s GEO (全球教育 Opportunity) in 法国 is a great opportunity for French learners to live the French 文化 and language. 丰富的短途旅行和家庭生活经验的结合, GEO从昂热市开始, 历史悠久的卢瓦尔河谷, 那里的学生由lyc圣马丁学院的法国家庭接待. 上午包括课程, followed by visits to sites and cities in the afternoon (such as Châteaux de la Loire, 昂热, 和索米尔白葡萄酒). 在第一周结束的时候, 我们去巴黎旅行四天, 住在市中心的酒店, between Musée du Louvre and Opéra Garnier—a perfect location to wander in the streets and feel like a Parisian. Visits of sites and 纪念碑 combine with activities that locals enjoy. 你可以吃到美味的食物,美味的食物!

    Groton's 全球教育 Opportunity (GEO) to 法国 occurs every other year, 与GEO轮流前往意大利.


  • 经典/希腊

    在希腊, 学生们探索以其丰富的历史而闻名的土地和人民, 文化, 和神话故事, whose brilliant ideas and profound contributions across a wide range of human achievement have inspired the hearts and minds of countless people through the ages.

    Students experience Greece, the birthplace of democracy, drama, the Olympics. They visit the palace from which, it is said, Daedalus and Icarus made their fateful flight. 他们凝视着阿伽门农国王的金色面具, 穿过狮门, 考察古代迈锡尼, 感受阿波罗在特尔斐的灵感所带来的影响. 学生们追随梭伦的脚步, 苏格拉底, 伯里克利, 和索福克勒斯, 发现希腊, 英雄的完美创造者(更不用说, 陀螺仪). 这是一次难忘的冒险.


  • 经典/意大利

    在意大利, students come into close contact with some of the most famous and beloved attractions of the ancient Roman world—Mt. 维苏威火山, 庞贝古城, 卡普里, Cumae, 罗马圆形大剧场, 帕拉廷山, 罗马广场, 卡比托利欧博物馆和坎皮多里奥, 万神殿校园, 佛, 庞培剧院, 宽广的阿根廷), 圣克莱门特, 大马戏团, 卡拉卡拉浴场, 亚洲古道, 贺拉斯的别墅, 波勒兹别墅, 西班牙广场, 人民广场, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museum, other places of historic and 文化 significance.

    The GEO aims to transcend the ordinary Roman sightseeing routine by integrating a focused yet light curriculum of relevant history and literature, 丰富和背景化每一次经历. 短途旅行包括内容丰富的讲座和讨论, 加上为每个网站量身定制的阅读. Students also have time to discover the beauty and vibrancy of notable Roman neighborhoods before gathering each evening for family-style dinners. 重点是古罗马世界, 但是讲座, 对话, perambulations afford the opportunity to survey the legacy of this marvelous 文化 and appreciate the innumerable charms and fascinations of modern Rome. The GEO is open to all Groton students, not just those currently studying Latin.

    A Groton Classics GEO happens every other year, alternating with the GEO to 法国.


  • 音乐真命天子

    易胜博app安卓下载的国际音乐旅行传统始于2005年, 当学校的爵士乐团, 灵魂酱, 到日本进行音乐巡演. 从那时起, 目的地包括瑞士(管弦乐团), 巴西、阿根廷(合唱), 澳大利亚(爵士乐团), 中国(乐队), 意大利/瑞士(爵士乐团), 南非(管弦乐团), 英国(合唱团), 古巴(爵士乐团), 布拉格、维也纳、布达佩斯(乐队), 中国(爵士乐团), 西班牙(管弦乐团).

    Groton's 音乐al 全球教育 Opportunities (GEOs) have provided students with the chance to perform in prestigious venues, 参加大师班, 执行服务, 体验文化交流和接触非西方音乐.

    Student 音乐ians have played at nursing homes in Hiroshima for survivors of the atomic blast and in remote villages of rural 中国, where the chamber orchestra truly recognized 音乐 as a universal language. 在南非, 易胜博app安卓下载的音乐家们在12天内演出了6场, 观看了开普敦爱乐乐团的排练, 学会了演奏djembe, 和来自开普敦的Drum caf一起练习舞步. 在古巴,易胜博app安卓下载的音乐家们和爵士艺术家们挤在一起, 合唱团成员也曾在南美洲与合唱团成员合唱.

    The destination and invited 音乐al group for Groton’s 音乐al GEOs change yearly.


  • 体育真命天子

    易胜博app安卓下载偶尔会为运动队提供国际经验. Recent opportunities have taken the boys soccer team to the United Kingdom and boys and girls squash teams to South Africa. 体育geo注重文化丰富和体育竞赛.